Musical mindfulness
Musical mindfulness is a concept, which brings together elements from music therapy, yoga, and mindfulness, with the aim to support the development of sensory integration, breath and body awareness, movement, and relaxation skills. The interventions used in musical mindfulness sessions harness the benefits of breathing techniques, progressive body relaxation, and mindful movement, whilst music and imagery approaches influence the musical characteristics used to support and make the interventions more accessible non-verbally. The sessions were initially designed for small groups of children with sensory processing and learning difficulties. However, the benefits of the sessions easily transfer to early years groups and the interventions can be modified to suit other populations. As well as increasing overall sensory and non-verbal accessibility, the music supports sustained focus and engagement and helps with sensory integration as well as physical and mental relaxation.
Musical mindfulness helps with
- increasing body awareness
- physical and mental relaxation
- reducing anxiety and stress
- developing motor skills
- nurturing imagination and visualisation skills
- developing breath awareness
- sensory regulation and integration
- improving focus and attention
- improving emotional regulation
- working towards calmness and stillness
- offering a space for rest and recovery
Who are the sessions for?
- Children and adults with sensory processing and learning difficulties
- People living with dementia
- Anybody suffering from stress, anxiety, and exhaustion
- People of all age groups
- People who suffer from sleep difficulties
- People with limited physical mobility

Please get in touch for information about sessions in your setting. Workshops and taster sessions can be arranged.